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I love experimenting on myself! And the cool thing is that as a subscriber of this ezine, you get to benefit from my experiments if you choose to try similar training and nutrition tactics.
Recently, I did a 12-day carb binge experiment which was preceded by 10-day low carb cycle... each cycle had specific training techniques that matched my nutrition for those time periods. I'll explain how this worked out below (I got great results!)
But before I get into that story, I just wanted to give you a reminder that time is running out to take advantage of my buddy Joel Marion's new bonus report below:
Access this report at no cost here:
5 Sneaky Tricks to TRIPLE Fatloss Results <---- complimentary report
My 12-day carb binge experiment:
Here's how this cool little carb binge experiment went down... I just went on a 12-day trip where the first 7 days were spent in beautiful Turks & Caicos with my girlfriend and also my good friends Dr. Kareem (the author of the popular Double Edged FatLoss program) and his wife Karen.
The next 5 days of our trip was spent on the east coast of the US visiting my parents and helping them to do a lot of spring yardwork, etc. before coming back home last night to a springtime snowstorm here in the rocky mountains of Colorado (hello May powder day tomorrow at A-basin!)
Since I knew that high carbohydrate temptations were going to be everywhere during this 12 day trip (yes, even at my parents house!), I decided to not try to fight the urge to indulge, but rather, just indulge like crazy in the extra carbs, and shift my training program to benefit from the extra carbs for muscle building... and then shift back to a low carb paleo style nutrition plan upon returning.
Finish reading about my 12-day carb binge experiment here (exact details and killer results)
Enjoy the article!
Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com
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