
Friday, January 28, 2011

1 Powerful nutrient that prevents weight gain

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I just got done reading a great new article about a pretty powerful nutrient that can help prevent weight gain, control blood sugar (and prevent diabetes), and improve your immune system... and it's only found in a few very select foods...

1 Powerful Nutrient Prevents Weight Gain, Controls Blood Sugar, Boosts Immunity

Enjoy the article!

On another note, as you might have heard, we lost the godfather of the fitness world a few days ago... Jack Lalanne at the age of 96.  He was an amazing man, and improved the lives of so many countless people with his inspiring messages for living healthy and fit. 

His feats of strength and endurance even in his 60's and 70's were legendary... I just can't even imagine trying to pull a fleet of boats while swimming with handcuffs and shackles...he was unbelievable.

My good friend Jon Benson just put up a small tribute page, which I'd like to share below, and Jon also shares some inspiring messages on the raw unscripted audio the he put on the page.

Tribute to Jack Lalanne and some Inspiration

Talk to you soon,

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - http://truthaboutabs.com/  & http://busymanfitness.com/

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