
Friday, June 17, 2011

3 "counterfeit" foods that are deceptive (labeled as healthy)

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Whenever I go to the grocery store, I always have to shake my head at how deceptive so many food labels are... no wonder so many people are confused as to what foods are healthy and which are not. 

In today's article, I show you 3 examples of foods that have been manipulated from their natural state and transformed into processed "counterfeit" foods.  Shockingly, the food manufacturers try to claim that these foods are "healthier" than the original natural version.  Don't be fooled!

  3 grocery store "counterfeit" foods that are deceptive

Last thing for today:

If you haven't done so yet, make sure to try out the new Prograde Fusion protein/fiber tasty drink concoction that helps to satisfy your appetite and control cravings between meals.

I'm excited about this new product, and the origin of the idea came from when I was doing a cutting cycle and needed something to control my appetite mid-day between meals and late night when the cravings might creep in.  So I talked to my boys at PG about maybe producing something like this... and a year later, voila!

PG Fusion has 24 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, and only 2 grams of sugar (and ZERO artificial sweeteners)... but it tastes like a delicious fruity drink. 

Heck it might sound crazy, but the next time I'm having cocktails with friends, I might try a Fusion mixed with vodka or rum...

I'm not recommending alcohol obviously, but if I'm hanging out with friends and going to have a cocktail anyway (let's face it, most of us aren't willing to give up alcohol entirely), we might as well get 24 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber with it too!

By the way, on this topic, here is an article I did that explains how to stay lean and healthy if you don't want to entirely give up alcohol.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

7 "fatty" foods for a flat stomach:

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If you want to actually ENJOY delicious full-fat food while controlling your appetite and balancing your hormones, today's article is a must-read:

7 "fatty" (but healthy) foods for a flat stomach

The article shows how I incorporate these delicious full-fat foods into my nutrition plan to stay single-digit bodyfat lean...and simultaneously enjoy tasty food without feeling deprived!  Enjoy!

If you missed my good friend Dr K's helpful tips, make sure to check out Dr K's powerful tips to get flat abs fast.
I'll be back soon with more Lean-Body Secrets.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

the 3D Metabolic exercise method for flat abs

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I've got a special Q&A piece for you today that shows you all about a new exercise technique called "3D Metabolic Exercise" from my good buddy, Dr. Kareem.

**The 3D Metabolic exercise method for flat abs**

Mike:  Hey Dr. K!  Most of my readers come to me
because they want an honest source on health
and fitness... aka "The Truth" -

A couple weeks ago, I shared with everyone why I think your
Metabolic Abs program is one of the most cutting-edge
and effective fat loss workouts out there, but I'm not sure
everyone is clear about your method.  What is 3D metabolic
exercise and why does it work so well?

Dr. Kareem:  Awesome to be here, Mike.  Thanks for having me.

Before you fully understand what 3D Metabolic Exercise is, let's
just take a peek at the problem that this method was designed to solve:

Most workout programs either take too long to do, require a gym membership,
or recommend unrealistic diet expectations to help you get six pack abs.  By
definition, if you can't follow something, it can't work.

3D Exercise is basically the fastest way to lose fat and build six pack abs.  By
working your body in real-life ways, in all directions at once, you are simulating
the same demands that take place in daily living, but with greater resistance and
intensity.  This allows the carryover effect from exercise to be that much greater.

Metabolic exercise is a strategic balance between your three energy systems in
your body.  You have your ATP-PC energy system, Anaerobic energy system,
and Aerobic energy system.  When you work all three for a specific amount of
time/workout, and you work them in a specific sequence, you get much better results.

Finally, we combine 3D movement and our metabolic protocols with ‘Neuro Fat Loss'
techniques.  Basically, we reposition your body for better alignment of your joints and
muscles.  In turn, your posture improves, but so does your strength.  With a better
muscle strength to length ratio, your body moves more fluidly and accepts muscle
growth more readily.

Mike:  Can your 3D Exercise method be done at home and if so,
how much equipment is required?

Dr. Kareem:  These workouts can absolutely be done at home.  That's
where I do them... or when I'm traveling, in a hotel room or hotel gym.
There are a few pieces of equipment I use in the videos, but I also
provide you with household equipment suggestions if you're working
out in your home and need some advice there.

I have clients who do just the bodyweight version of every exercise and
they get GREAT results.  I find that I do this if I'm in a hotel room and
don't have a great place to exercise.  It's my ten minute back up plan
when I'm in a pinch, because it consistently gets me some of the best
results out of anything I do, no matter how long.

If you don't have a lot of time, I totally get it.  I've been there too.

Each workout is 10 minutes.  There are 5, meaning that you will exercise
5 days/week for 10 minutes/workout.  That's a total of 50 minutes of
workouts per week.  Less than one hour!

Mike:  10 minutes a day is fast.  That's one of my favorite aspects about
Metabolic Abs training, is the speed.  Sometimes you just want to grab
a really quick workout and know it's super effective.

Dr. Kareem:  Thanks Mike!  I want to bring up another point... A lot of
older adults out there are afraid to participate in an exercise program
that is intense.  Age alone isn't a reason not to do an intense fat loss
program, but it's always wise to check with your doctor before starting
an exercise program if you have any conditions that would warrant
his/her approval or if this is your first time exercising.

For your information, my current oldest client in Ab Strength Guide is
an 84 year old woman.  My youngest is an 8 year old boy, who does
bodyweight only.  It doesn't matter - they're both getting great results.

The key is that you choose an exercise program that is adjustable by
intensity, duration, and range of motion.  Then, you simply work to
progress all the time.  Once you are able to hit a certain level of intensity,
your results show up nearly instantly.  It's really funny how we hit a
"tipping point" with so many things in life, ya know?

Mike:  Totally.  I think the same thing is true with nutrition.  A lot of
people don't have a clue how to start eating healthy and clean until
they do.  It takes a few days or weeks to find where you can get the
best deals on everything, but then you're all set.... When you look
back, it's hard to imagine eating any other way.  ...all the while,
you're just getting leaner the whole time.

That said, one thing that caught my attention that you just said was
that you've created a workout method where your client can self-adjust
the level?

Dr. Kareem:  Now, that's the really cool aspect of Metabolic Abs Training.
In the beginning, just learn the movements and how to ‘feel' an exercise in
the right place.  This, alone, will produce an outstanding result if you're
just starting out, especially because of how dynamic each movement is.
Your body will naturally balance out, and fat will shed right off once
your body is in balance.

As you become more experienced, or if that's where you are right now,
your intensity increases, and the results do as well.  At my record lowest
bodyfat of 7.5%, I was using these workouts on a regular basis, b/c I can
depend on them to get me insane results every time.

Mike:  Shifting focus, completely, there's something really cool
I'd like to share with you:

In addition to getting you six pack abs, these workouts were designed
to reduce joint pain if you have any.  That's one of the reasons that
I love referring you to the doc.

Dr. Kareem:  Thanks Mike.  You know I consider you a mentor to all
of us with your exercise program design for fat loss.  That said, I used
these exact workouts in my own personal transformation.

I used to have extremely severe pain in most joints of my body before
I got leaner and in better shape.  I don't have great genes, but
I'm a big believer in taking advantage of your body's full potential.
Metabolic Abs Training will help you do that.

Mike:  It certainly will.  I know I get a crazy sweat when we work out
together.  It's been a lot of fun... you can definitely see changes
going on all the time.  It's really cool how we just come up
with stuff back and forth.  I remember not too long ago we
were talking about how men and women are still confused
about exercising for fat loss - would you mind explaining
this in your own terms for everybody?

Dr. Kareem:  Sure, I'd be happy to.  A solid fat loss workout is
proven to work with both genders.  Here's the deal, as I know
you explained in an article before, we are all human beings.
Our bodies secrete different amounts of testosterone and estrogen,
depending on whether we are male or female, but we both have...
well, both.

If anything, it stands to argue that a woman who wants to lose fat
will have to build a little bit of muscle first if she doesn't have a
whole lot of meat on her body.  Otherwise, she'll never raise her
metabolism.  I know you've talked about this before, but it's your
muscle to fat ratio that ultimately dictates your metabolism.

Mike:  Thanks for the interview Dr. K!  It's always great chatting
with you about health and fitness.  Make sure to check out this
special video presentation Dr. K put up for you:

Dr. Kareem's Method Explained ---> 3 Odd methods to get a flat belly

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NEVER eat this "type" of veggies

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Before we get to today's article, just one last reminder to make sure to grab your Free copy of the 6-day body "redesign" program from my friends Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock.  Really cool stuff that you don't want to miss!  These guys are super innovative.

Now today's article... I've warned about this type of nasty chemical that can be lurking in your foods before, and this article explains more:

The type of veggies that you NEVER want to eat

And on this same topic, in case you missed my other article about these chemicals, make sure to read this one as well:

Do canned tomatoes have a chemical that increases your fat?

If you liked todays articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

how to "redesign" your body (Free 6-day plan)

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I've got a killer gift for you today from a couple fitness pros that I've spent time with quite a bit over the past couple of months... Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock.  These guys have some of the most unique and innovative exercise techniques I've seen out there... really cool stuff!

Check out their site below and grab a free copy of their 6-day "body redesign" program.  You're gonna love this!

Grab your FREE 6-day "body redesign" program here

Inside this resource, you'll find cool info such as:

-a NEW technique, called "ShapeShifter 3D Strength", for super-charged fat loss
-a simple food mistake that could be keeping you soft and flabby
-small physique changes that make a BIG visual impact on how you look

FREE 6-day plan to redesign your body

Enjoy!  I really think you'll like Ryan and Adam's stuff!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Are sunscreens harmful to you?

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If you listen to some clueless news reporters, you would think that being out in the sun without sunscreen on for even just 1 minute is going to instantly give you cancer and lead to your death.  Yet, for eons, our ancestors spent at least 10x more time out in the sun than the average person in the modern world.

And more info is surfacing lately about possible health risks with heavy use of sunscreens (carcinogenic, estrogenic effects).  In fact, did you know that underexposure to the sun is as big of a health threat as overexposure to the sun?  It's true...

Read today's article to see the gory details on this...

The TRUTH about sun exposure and sunscreens

I have another good article for you below that shows a unique way to ingest a natural nutrient that gives you "internal sun protection"...

Unique natural nutrient that gives you internal sun protection

Please pass these articles onto your friends and family to help protect their health!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Healthy fat-killing pancake recipe (high fiber/protein)

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If you're trying to get lean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that standard pancakes are one of the WORST choices you could make... the refined flour with ZERO fiber, the refined sugars, the inflammatory vegetable oils... NOT good.

But I've come up with a simple recipe that you can make quick and easy, it's high in fiber and protein, helps your lean-body goals, and it actually TASTES like pancakes!

Check out my tasty and HEALTHY pancake recipe 

If you liked todays healthy pancake recipe, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it!

One last request -- in the world of fitness, unfortunately most people land on a fitness or nutrition website and instantly think "scam"... If you've been a reader of mine for some time, you know that I send you great articles and fitness information all the time.  Please help spread the word and let people know that my site, TruthAboutAbs, is a trusted site. 

You can help me by going to my TruthAboutAbs homepage and clicking the Facebook "like" button at the top. The more votes I get, the more that new people visiting my site know that they can trust my information.  Thanks so much for your help and your trust in me!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com


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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Friday, June 3, 2011

what about lecithin, dextrose, maltodextrin?

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After the announcement yesterday about the new tasty protein/fiber drink mix, Prograde Fusion, I had some friends ask me why I would personally drink something that has dextrose, maltodextrin, and lecithin in it when I'm so strict about sugars and soy products.

Good question, and a fairly easy answer too...

First of all, let's talk about the dextrose.  Yes, this is basically just sugar, and most of the time, I try to avoid refined sugar.  However, the amount of sugar in this new Prograde Fusion drink mix is only 2 grams per serving, which is pretty miniscule.  Remember that you could easily down about 30-40 grams of sugar in some of the popular "sports drinks", so 2 grams is basically negligible.

Plus, when you combine only 2 grams of sugar with 24 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber, it makes that 2 grams of sugar completely a non-issue, and will have almost ZERO effect on blood sugar.  

Also, although I may be extremely strict about avoiding some things such as artificial trans fats, I don't believe in being super-militant about a couple grams of sugar or tiny amounts of things I might normally avoid.  Sure, something that contains 40 grams of sugar I might save for a cheat day, but tiny amounts like 2 grams is nothing to worry about.

Same thing goes for the maltodextrin... yes, it's a processed carbohydrate and will effect blood sugar and insulin response, but not 1 gram!  In fact, some post-workout shakes can have 50 grams or more of maltodextrin or similar fast acting carbs, which after a workout, has benefits and helps to speed nutrients into the muscle cells for recovery.

So while I might sometimes choose post workout drinks that contain high amounts of maltodextrin, the purpose of the Prograde Fusion drink mix is NOT for post workout, but rather for appetite control and amino acid balance between meals or any time that you need to control cravings, and 1 gram of maltodextrin is nothing to worry about.

As for lecithin... yes, it's derived from soy, and as you know, I'm fairly anti-soy in most cases.  But that's mostly referring to heavily refined soybean oils or highly processed soy proteins (and other soy junk foods like soy milk), both of which I recommend staying away from as the article above explains.

But when it comes to tiny amounts of lecithin, it's not something I'm concerned about, and may even have benefits.  This article here shows why added lecithin is nothing to worry about, unless you're strongly allergic to all soy derivatives.

Again, with all 3 of these ingredients (lecithin, dextrose, maltodextrin), if the amounts are miniscule, such as in Prograde Fusion protein/fiber drink mix, this is nothing I would worry about. 

Remember that this week is your chance to try out the tasty new PG Fusion as they have a 10% off sale on the whole store to celebrate the release of this new product.


Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

my protein/fiber trick that kills cravings

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If you've read my Fat-Burning Kitchen ebook, then you know that one of the dozen or so tricks that I used during my 23-day cutting cycle was to use a special protein/fiber drink concoction during specific times of the day to control cravings, preserve lean muscle, and keep my metabolism high. 

Here's an excerpt from the book that describes this:

"When you're doing an accelerated fat burning cycle, protein and fiber are easily 2 of the
most important things that you need adequate amounts. Both of them help you to keep
hunger under control, and a high protein intake during the cutting cycle can help to prevent
catabolism, so you don't lose lean muscle.

This was another of my secret weapons that I used each day... what I did was concoct my
own protein/fiber drink mixes and have 1 drink each day at a time when I needed to control
hunger but didn't want or didn't have time for a full meal. I either used these drinks in the
afternoon on non-training days to keep satisfied or I used them at night to keep appetite
under control and get an extra dose of fiber and protein."

When I wrote this section, I was at the time buying the protein and fiber ingredients separately and mixing them myself each day.  My good friend Jayson Hunter, who is head of R&D for Prograde Nutrition, told me to tell them what I was looking for and he could probably formulate something exactly like what I was looking for, but with an even better taste.

So I told Jayson that this was what I was looking for:

1.  A drink that has about 20-25 grams of protein per serving.
2.  This drink should also have at least 3-4 grams of fiber per serving
3.  And it should also be lightly sweetened with stevia (no artificial sweeteners!), and very little sugar, if any.

Well, over a year later, Jayson and Prograde just recently introduced the brand new Prograde Fusion, the exact type of protein/fiber drink that I was asking for.

PG Fusion contains a whopping 24 grams of protein per serving, 3 grams of fiber, and only 2 grams of sugar!  Only 145 calories total per serving, most of which comes from the protein!  And it tastes like a delicious sports drink but without all of the crappy added sugars that most sports drinks have.

These are the 2 main times when I think this drink is PERFECT:

1.  In the middle of the afternoon to hold off your appetite and cravings until dinner, but still give you an added jolt of protein and fiber to help keep your metabolism burning high.

2.  Late night, just when those late night cravings start to come on and you want to grab some junk food.  But instead, just grab this protein/fiber drink and your cravings will go away without doing any damage to your waist. 

Since this product was just released last week, Prograde is having a 10% off sale on the entire store to celebrate the release of this new product.  Give it a try and see what you think! 

Check out the new Fusion protein/fiber tasty drink here  (and save 10%)

This is probably my favorite new product and very handy to help quell those cravings at key times throughout the day...   And MUCH healthier than those crappy sugar-laden sports drinks!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
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Monday, May 30, 2011

5 more "healthy" foods to AVOID (new article)

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You know from some of my past articles some examples of foods that are marketed as "healthy", but are FAR from it... such as "reduced-fat peanut butter", all of the corn, soy, and wheat products that we eat WAY too much of, unhealthy canola oil, and so on...

But today's new article shows 5 more so-called "healthy" foods that you'd be better off AVOIDING if you want to be lean.  Read on to see...

5 more "healthy" foods to AVOID

The article above also shows 5 truly healthy foods that can help you get lean.

If you liked todays articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

New study: warning on cell phones and bone density

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If you didn't hear the news, you need to read about a new study that has surfaced showing reduced bone density and bone mineral content in the area that you carry your cell phone on your body.   This is yet another study linking the low level EM radiation given off by cell phones to possible health issues:

New study: shocking health impacts to your bones from cell phones

And here's another article below that I only sent out to 10% of the subscriber base last week, so make sure to read this one:

3 More "healthy" foods that you should AVOID

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

PS - if you liked todays article, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

9 advanced fat loss tricks:

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You've probably seen all of the buzz this week about Joel Marion's new 25-day rapid fat loss program -- which uses at least 9 fat loss tricks of manipulating nutrition and training methods:

http://www.XtremeFatBurningDiet.com <<--get LEAN in 25 days

Joel and I did a Q&A for you to help answer some more questions and give more details about the program. Check it out below:

>> 9 Advanced Fat Loss Tricks:


Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to burn a pound of pure fat in 1 day

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I've got a new article for you today from my friend and fat loss expert Joel Marion about a legitimate way that you can burn a pound of pure fat in 1 day.

First, as a reminder, if you missed the announcement about Joel's exciting new 25-day Xtreme Fat Loss program, and the special deal he has going which ends Thursday... check it out here:


Important Update:  If you're still on the fence about picking up a copy of this program, Joel has just decided to add YET another killer bonus for you... it's a new program he's calling, "the FASTEST Fat Loss Week EVER", and this is designed to be used intermittently for fast fat loss results, but NOT all the time.

Ok, here's Joel's article:

How To Burn A Pound Of Pure Fat In One Day 
by Joel Marion - CISSN, NSCA-CPT


Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

25-day Xtreme fat loss challenge -- for you

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Are you ready to get in crazy shape for summer? So that people are admiring YOUR body at the beaches, pools, and backyard parties this summer!

If you're motivated and ready to get in KILLER shape, I've got a 25-day challenge for you...

You're not LAZY, right? Good. Then here we go...

We've got a 25-day challenge for you to lose crazy amounts of body fat in 3 1/2 weeks (but you've got to be ready to follow this system to the letter)...


Go to the site below to see the special deal that my fitness buddy Joel Marion has for you... it's a new program involving "extreme fat loss"... but this deal only lasts for the next 3 days:

--> http://www.XtremeFatBurningDiet.com

Several IMPORTANT things you should be aware of:

1. This program is absolutely NOT for everyone!

While Joel's new system IS all about how to lose fat FAST (up to 25 pounds in 25 days fast), it ISN'T a "quick fix", magic-bullet solution.

Instead, it's a highly strategic system that incorporates some rather advanced strategies like cheat days, fast days, depletion days, and strategically timed exercise in the most ideal combination to yield the fastest possible result.

And believe it or not, he's even included one little-known, but extremely effective method on Day 5 of the program that will actually help you GAIN a couple pounds of firm, lean calorie-burning muscle as you rapidly lose fat. Pretty nuts.

Still, the truth remains: this is a somewhat "intense" system and as such will require your full dedication and effort over a short 25 day period--if you're not able to go 100% for 3 and a half weeks, this program simply isn't for you.

That said, if you're willing to put the work in and follow the program to the letter, you can expect to see some pretty remarkable progress in a relatively short period of time.

http://www.XtremeFatBurningDiet.com <----Go on and get started!

2. To celebrate the "Official Release" of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, Joel is running a $30-OFF pre-sale on the entire system until midnight on Thursday.

3. VERY IMPORTANT (TODAY ONLY) - While the $30 OFF debut sale will be available through Thursday, there is a super cool $397 Value FAST ACTION BONUS for Day 1 orders ONLY.

The Bonus - If you order today (and today only), you will be given access to a LIVE 120-minute Fat Loss All-Star Coaching session where Joel Marion, John Romaniello (Final Phase Fat Loss), and Dr. Kareem Samhouri (Double Edged Fat Loss) will ALL be on the line to answer your personal fat loss questions. This type of direct coaching from 3 industry experts all at once is not available anywhere else at any price, but if you pick up the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet TODAY, it's yours *FREE*.

http://www.XtremeFatBurningDiet.com <------- $30 off & your $397 value Fast Action Bonus (today only)

btw, I almost forgot to mention, every 5th day on this program involves a fun cheat day!

Have fun!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

the TRUTH about "white foods"

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If you read a lot of my newsletters, you might get the impression that I'm anti-carbohydrates or something along those lines.  And while it's true that I believe as a society we eat far too much grain-based foods, you know I also believe in moderation and balance, and that everything has a purpose.

I also tend to favor potatoes and sweet potatoes as healthier carbohydrate sources vs grains (mainly due to the gluten issue as well as other anti-nutrients found in some grains)

As you'll see in the article below, I talk about the TRUTH about so-called "white foods", including your beloved POTATOES!

The truth about "white foods" and potatoes

And on this topic, make sure to read these articles:

My take on good carbs, bad carbs, low carbs, and carb confusion

What you really need to know about "organic" foods

If you liked todays articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
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Friday, May 20, 2011

this "damages" your metabolism (new article)

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I've got 2 new and important articles for you today about your metabolism.

In the first article today, my colleague Tom Venuto (I highly respect Tom's expertise) explores the very REAL science behind what's been termed "metabolic damage".  

He talks about what causes "metabolic damage".  And he also shows 7 strategies to essentially "repair" that metabolic damage.

Do you have "metabolic damage"? <-- great article + 7 strategies to fix the damage

Metabolism Article #2:

This article explores whether our metabolisms actually "slow down" as we get older.  As you'll see, it doesn't have to happen!  And what foods can we eat that actually ramp-up your metabolism?  Read on and see...

A "slow metabolism" and foods that ramp-up your metabolic rate

Have fun revving up your metabolism! 

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

does "empty-stomach" exercise work?

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With my new blog post yesterday, I realized that I need to clarify my opinion on morning "empty-stomach" exercise.

If you don't know, the theory on morning empty stomach cardio is that since you're in a fasted state and don't have immediate carbs in your system, your body will rely more heavily on bodyfat for fuel during the workout, and you'll burn more bodyfat.  Nice in theory (and to be honest, does work for some people), but as you'll see below, it didn't work for me, and others I know too that have tried it.

As you probably know if you've read my Truth about Six Pack Abs ebook, one of the main problems I've had with morning "empty stomach" exercise, is that in a lot of people, it tends to make you lose lean muscle, which can lower your metabolic rate.

In fact, when I tested morning exercise on an empty stomach in the past, I ended up losing strength and a little bit of muscle after a couple weeks (despite the fact I was still weight training on separate workouts).  I subsequently gained fat quicker due to a reduction in my metabolic rate after that muscle loss.

I found a fix to that problem when I re-tested morning empty stomach exercise a few months ago.  What I did this time was use BCAA's immediately upon waking before the exercise, which has been proven to help prevent the muscle catabolism that would occur otherwise.

However, there was still a problem... I still would have ZERO energy to do anything intense in this type of empty stomach workout.  Walking maybe...but that's about it.  I prefer high intensity exercise and believe more strongly in the benefits of really challenging your body with intense exercise.  That's why I love to do wind sprints!

For me, I just don't have the energy to anything intense on an empty stomach in the morning, so that's why I tested the little drink concoction that I talked about in yesterday's post

That little drink concoction has totally changed the game, and I've been having TONS of energy and feeling great during my morning wind sprints... plus, as I mentioned, I've actually noticed more definition in the lower abs just doing these morning wind sprints every day for a week straight!

Side note:  For the last couple of months, I've been using those fancy new Vibram 5-Fingers "barefoot" shoes (they look more like socks than shoes) for all of my gym workouts and also my wind sprints.  My physical therapist friends swear by these, and tell me that they are more natural for your feet for squats, deadlifts and other gym exercises, and help reduce risk for injuries.

My squats and deadlifts have felt awesome since I started using these 5-Finger shoes!  My numbers have been going up like crazy.  I even worked my max deadlift from 355 to 405 lbs in the last 3 months!

Also, the 5 Fingers feel perfect for sprints... I've always thought that barefoot sprinting felt more natural compared to running shoes, but I never wanted to sprint barefoot on a field for fear of cutting my feet on a rock or something.  But with these 5-Fingers shoes, you get the feel of barefoot sprinting, but with a layer of rubber protection between your feet and the ground.

Overall, they felt super powerful for the wind sprints and I'm never going back to running shoes again!

Important article you may have missed:

Are these carcinogens in your bread and cereal?

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

my new morning ritual to get ripped abs (blog post)

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Instead of an in-depth article today, I just wanted to share a few fitness techniques I've been using myself lately, and my new "morning ritual" which has been getting killer results! 

In fact, just doing this morning ritual for the last 6-7 mornings in a row, I can already see that my lower abs are getting more defined by the day (indicating that this is lowering my bodyfat % a bit more).

This involves some exercise AND nutrition tricks, so read the whole blog post...

My new "morning ritual" that is uncovering the lower abs <<--new blog post

Lastly, if you missed this article the other day, make sure to read it if you take any pain killers like aspirin or similar:

The 5 most DANGEROUS pain killers (are you taking these?)

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com


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Monday, May 16, 2011

the 5 most dangerous pain killers (aspirin + 4 others)

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I have a must-read article for you today if you take any pain killers like aspirin, etc.  Do you think that substances like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofin are safe? 

Read below about the dangers of these, and types of healthier alternatives...

The 5 MOST dangerous pain killers (and safer alternatives)

Speaking of pain, if you missed this article below, be sure to read it to make sure that you're not injuring yourself with common exercises that most people think are "good"...

The worst 7 exercises to STOP doing

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

The ultimate hard-body exercise?

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I have a quiz for you today... which one of these is the BEST overall exercise for getting a lean ripped body:

a)  deadlifts
b)  pushups
c)  pullups
d)  clean and presses

Well, these are ALL tremendously great exercises for the entire body, but I want to focus on one today that is often overlooked...

The Ultimate Hard-Body Exercise <-- pics included

Lastly for today, if you haven't seen this yet, check out my buddy Kyle's story on how he got ripped, and the 3 biggest muscle mistakes that you're making.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

my 12-day carbohydrate binge experiment

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I love experimenting on myself!  And the cool thing is that as a subscriber of this ezine, you get to benefit from my experiments if you choose to try similar training and nutrition tactics.

Recently, I did a 12-day carb binge experiment which was preceded by 10-day low carb cycle... each cycle had specific training techniques that matched my nutrition for those time periods.  I'll explain how this worked out below (I got great results!)

But before I get into that story, I just wanted to give you a reminder that time is running out to take advantage of my buddy Joel Marion's new bonus report below:

Access this report at no cost here:

5 Sneaky Tricks to TRIPLE Fatloss Results <---- complimentary report

My 12-day carb binge experiment:

Here's how this cool little carb binge experiment went down... I just went on a 12-day trip where the first 7 days were spent in beautiful Turks & Caicos with my girlfriend and also my good friends Dr. Kareem (the author of the popular Double Edged FatLoss program) and his wife Karen.

The next 5 days of our trip was spent on the east coast of the US visiting my parents and helping them to do a lot of spring yardwork, etc. before coming back home last night to a springtime snowstorm here in the rocky mountains of Colorado (hello May powder day tomorrow at A-basin!)

Since I knew that high carbohydrate temptations were going to be everywhere during this 12 day trip (yes, even at my parents house!), I decided to not try to fight the urge to indulge, but rather, just indulge like crazy in the extra carbs, and shift my training program to benefit from the extra carbs for muscle building... and then shift back to a low carb paleo style nutrition plan upon returning.

Finish reading about my 12-day carb binge experiment here  (exact details and killer results)

Enjoy the article!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

how to TRIPLE your fatloss with these tricks

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We've got another great bonus report for you today...

My good buddy in the fitness industry and nutrition expert Joel Marion just put the finishing touches on a 27-page report revealing how you can literally TRIPLE your fatloss results overnight with these 5 little-known tricks:

==> TRIPLE your fatloss overnight (here's how)

Use just ONE of these FIVE strategies and you'll boost your fatloss results THIS WEEK.

Use all 5, and it's GAME OVER.

5 tricks to TRIPLE your fatloss results <---- get this report today at ZERO cost

Enjoy the report!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

Popular TAA articles:

The top 3 flat belly spices

A 27-second DAILY metabolism trick

2 new food tips to reduce cravings

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

my #1 rule for eating healthy

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Whenever I tell people this simple rule for eating healthy, they are always shocked by it's simplicity, and that they never thought of it like this before.

First, we need to come to the realization that food science and marketing in recent decades has crowded all of the REAL food out of our grocery stores to the point that at LEAST 90% of everything in a modern-day grocery store is NOT true food anymore...

The so-called "food" that lines our grocery store shelves nowadays is better termed -- "Edible Food-Like Substances", as the highly respected nutrition journalist Michael Pollan calls it.

I absolutely love that term and think it is SO very true!

Our food supply has become so overly processed, that it's not uncommon for a simple snack food to contain a list of 20-30 ingredients of additives, chemicals, flavorings, colorings, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, artificial sweeteners, and more. 

However, it CAN be easy to avoid ALL of this junk by following my 1 simple rule of eating healthy... and that is:

>> Eat only foods that are 1 ingredient (and follow this rule 90-95% of the time)

Drop dead simple!

This means sticking almost solely to these: 

>> eggs, fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, berries, and meats (only meats raised in a healthy manner, such as grass-fed or free roaming meats)

For example, almost everything I ate today was 1 ingredient (although perhaps mixed together)

*eggs with veggies and cheese for breakfast
*snacked on fruit, berries, and nuts all afternoon
*home-made guacamole (made fresh with all single ingredients) and veggie sticks
*cooked mixed veggies, side salad, and grass-fed bison steaks for dinner

Now THIS is lean-body nutrition made easy!

Pretty simple stuff, and all made from single ingredients instead of processed food packages with 30 ingredients or more.

Do I eat like this 100% of the time... admittedly no... BUT, if you can stick to this 1-ingredient rule at least 90-95% of the time, it is actually VERY simple to get as lean as you want!

A 2nd simple rule:

If your great grandparents 100 years ago wouldn't have recognized the food you're eating, don't eat it!

Also remember that we have a new issue with modern fruits and vegetables, explained here.

Fwd this email on to your friends and family to show them how easy it is to eat real food instead of "edible food-like substances".

Last thing for today:  If you haven't seen this yet, check out this video with 3 odd tips to lose your belly.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

can your coffee help workout recovery?

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I've only learned to love coffee in the last couple of years, although I try to keep my coffee intake to only 2-3 days a week, so that I don't become addicted to the strong caffeine response in coffee.

I just came across a new article about a couple interesting studies on coffee and your recovery from exercise, as well as a few other health benefits. Read on...

Can coffee help your recovery from exercise? 

Also, if you missed this article last week, make sure you're not hurting your body with these 7 exercises...

The WORST 7 exercises to NEVER do 

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

a 5-step unusual workout for 6-pack abs

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I have a guest article today from my good friend Dr. Kareem Samhouri, an expert doctor of physical therapy, and he shows you a really unusual way to train the abs.

This is a totally different style of training as you can see below in the 5 step method...check it out:

*The New Method For Six Pack Abs*

by Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri, CSCS, HFS
Neuro Metabolic Fat Loss Expert

Slow abs training is now over.

It's time for a new era.

Training for six pack abs takes strategy. Understanding how to properly utilize your abs as stability muscles in all exercises will quickly improve your six pack abs training results. However, in order to be able to utilize your abs to their full capacity, you have to first know how to recruit them. This is where most people get lost... at least until now.

I've developed a sure-fire method for 'turning your abs on' with each and every exercise you do, beginning after the first 5 minutes of your exercise program. There's no way around it, and you simply cannot fail. I'm more than excited to share this method with you - are you ready to see major change in a very short period of time?

I'm going to teach you exactly what to do if you want to 'activate' your abs in every exercise you do, throughout every workout. If you think about it, this is going to make ab rockers feel like dinosaurs, and crunches seem as silly as those electrical stimulation devices you see on TV. You will literally be working your abs out for every rep of every exercise you do, and your midsection will be begging for a break when you're all done.

Your six pack abs results are about to improve exponentially.

Step 1 - Fatigue out your extremities completely.
Step 2 - 100 reps glutes
Step 3 - Fatigue out your extremities completely.
Step 4 - 100 reps abs
Step 5 - Rest 4-5 minutes and repeat, involving more of your trunk musculature with each exercise of each circuit.

Let's take a look at each one of these steps in greater detail, with an explanation for each, and why this works so well.

Step 1 - Fatigue out your extremities completely.

Example Set:

1. Squat & Dumbbell Presses - Light weight, as follows: 10 reps slow, 10 reps medium, 10 reps fast - repeat until fatigue or form broken

2. Push Up Superset on Knees - 3 Push Up Positions, alternating to fatigue, as follows:

Diamond (close grip) Push Up, Standard (shoulder width) Push Up, Wide Grip/Mid Pec (hands as far apart as possible) Push Up

This goes against most modern teachings of 'proximal stability before distal mobility' and should be used with caution. The reason people usually teach you to work trunk muscles first is so that your little muscles (muscles in your arms and legs) won't give out and collapse on you when you're lifting a heavy weight. However, we're taking the neurological signal from our trunk, spreading it to our extremities, and then never bringing it back to our trunk.

In this step, what we're doing is depriving our arms and legs of oxygen, forcing blood out of our extremities, and producing lactic acid there quickly. Since our bodies will hold onto our blood and oxygen regardless, it's a strong bet that this oxygen is moving centrally, or towards our trunk. In a sense, we've now supersaturated our trunk muscles with blood, nutrients, and oxygen. We are primed for Step 2.

Step 2 - 100 reps Glutes

Example Glute Exercise:

Straight Leg Bridge On Ball

Lay on your back, placing your heels into the ball avoid stabilizing with your arms as much as possible. Emphasize squeezing your glutes to 'levitate your bottom off the ground' & go fast!

100 reps

Your glutes and lower abs are a pair. If you're like 99% of people out there, you have a difficult time recruiting your lower abs. By focusing on glute activation exercises second, once we have the oxygen present to endure more reps, we are actually targeting our lower abs, or "pre-activating" them for what's to come.

Step 3 - Fatigue out your extremities completely.

Example Set:

1. Side Step Squat With Med Ball Press - Start with your feet together, take a large step to the right, keeping your left foot on the ground, then squat and stand onto only your right leg while drawing your left knee towards your right shoulder. Simultaneously, press a medicine ball into the air. As you return the medicine ball towards your chest, shift your weight back into the wide squat position with your left leg on the ground and perform in reverse as you stand.

10 reps slow, 10 reps medium, 10 reps fast - repeat until fatigue or form broken

2. '3-Position' Bicep Curls With Dumbbells - 3 Curling Positions, alternating to fatigue, as follows:
Palms backward (Reverse Curls), Palms inward (Hammer Curls), Palms forward (Bicep Curls)

It's time to shift focus back to our arms and legs, but this time our abs are working to stabilize us, reduce risk of injury, and become a part of all exercises. We are now working our abs involuntarily, but driving more oxygen and blood to them at the same time through the aforementioned method above.

Step 4 - 100 reps abs

Ok, so it's time to test our ability, with no rest whatsoever, to really challenge our abs to hit the next level of strength and endurance. Because we have supersaturated them with oxygen, our aerobic abs fibers (about 80% of the abs fibers the average person has) are primed for the best performance of our lives. Now it's time to really challenge ourselves to do the impossible, and force ourselves to go above and beyond what we 'know' to be our limits. It's time for the new era for our abs.

Example Abs Superset:

Inversion Abs & Abs Wheel - Alternate each exercise to fatigue (perhaps 10 or so reps at a time), until you reach 100 total repetitions.

1. Inversion abs is to be done on a decline bench, with your feet towards the floor. Keeping your legs as straight as possible, while pulling through your abs, drive your legs into the air so that your spine is curved and you are slowly returning down towards the bench, one spinal segment at a time. As your low back approaches the bench, be sure to keep it as flat against the bench as possible to activate your transversus abdominus, or human waist belt.

2. Abs Wheel - similar to a push up position on knees, begin with abs wheel underneath the center of your chest. Now, maintaining tension between your shoulder-blades, slowly guide the abs wheel out in front of you, without dipping or bending your back. Maintain an abdominal tremble throughout. As you return the abs wheel to the starting position, be sure not to shift your weight posteriorly, as this will take away much of the effect.

100 reps, alternating between exercises each time you reach fatigue.

(That's just an example abs superset -- if you can't do those, you can choose your 2 favorite direct abs exercises from Truth About Abs or another routine)

Step 5 - Rest 4-5 minutes and repeat, involving more of your trunk musculature with each exercise of each circuit.

Adequate rest is necessary to derive as much from the following set. By involving more of our trunk muscles with each successive set, we are essentially teaching our bodies to always activate trunk muscles when using our extremities. This is a good habit to form to reduce risk of injury, and it also serves our greater purpose of teaching our bodies how to turn every exercise we do into an abs exercise at the same time.

Why spend your days exercising body part after body part, isolating one muscle group after the next?

Why spend so much time in the gym?

It's no longer necessary. It's time that you learn how to exercise as much of your body as possible, and to do it quickly.

I'm here to support you, if you're ready to take the next step. Join the thousands of people who already have - There are all kinds of shortcuts and tricks for getting a flat stomach, and I've take the time to explain each one right here for you:



Thanks so much to Kareem for a killer article! This is definitely a unique style of training that can help people to get to the next level with their abs.

Make sure to check out Kareem's site at http://www.DoubleEdgeFatLoss.com as he has an amazing program there for you!


I'll be back soon with the next Lean-Body Secrets Ezine.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

the #1 rule for ladies workouts

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I've got a new article today contributed by women's fitness expert Flavia Delmonte, and I really like the message in this one. If you missed the announcement yesterday, Flavia has a great new program called Full-Body Licious - http://tinyurl.com/flavias-fitness

The Truth about Females and Weight Training

by Flavia Del Monte
R.N., C.P.T., PN Certified

Expressing fear of building muscle and looking like a man by merely lifting some weights is like me saying "I don't want to play golf because I'm afraid I'll turn pro..."

Nothing just happens – including building muscle! If your body was destined to look like a man, than you would probably already know it! Genetics don't change over night...

Unless you have a river of testosterone flowing in your blood, the fear of getting big is unfounded! Competitive female bodybuilders train at least three hours a day and perform 20-30 sets PER body part with their women fitness programs in hopes of getting a fraction of the size of their male counterparts.

GETTING BIG IS NO EASY TASK FOR A FEMALE... and if it were than you would see Jane swinging from the vines and swimming with the alligators, not Tarzan!

Simply put, this myth has no scientific backbone. It is very hard for most men to build muscle; let alone women. I hear of men who are eating thousands of calories and lifting heavy weight but don't put a pound of lean muscle mass on their bodies. Yet, females are afraid that lifting anything more than 8-lb dumbbells will make them look like a man!

Little-Known FACT

Not only lifting weight, but lifting HEAVY weight will give you definition and that toned look that is desired from EVERY female all over the world.



First off, men have 10 to 30 times higher levels of testosterone than females.

Women do not have a large testosterone production in their body, making it impossible to build muscle at the same intensity as a male. A male is made up of a lot more muscle than women. 23% of a women's weight is muscle, compared to 40% of a male's weight.

Women simply do not have the genetics to build muscle and the women that have done so, have done so by genetically altering their bodies.

I can take a guess that most women want a TONED look. When your muscles look etched, it is because of a low percentage of fat around that muscle.

Toning and muscle building is one in the same!

There are 3 ways growth occurs in muscles:

* during resistance training (followed with precise nutrition)
* natural growth period (such as puberty)
* during pregnancy

In order to build lean mass, you must have an excess of calories:

*energy in is greater than energy out*

That said, in order build muscle, you MUST tailor your diet for muscle building. And that applies to women who want to "TONE". You have to first BUILD the muscle in order to have a toned look.

Increase in CALORIES + lifting heavy = muscle mass

There are three different body types:

* ectomorph (naturally thin)
* mesomorph (naturally muscular)
* endomorph (naturally broad and thick)

All three different body types need to eat and train a certain way in order to build muscle and lose fat.

The issue here is that there is only so much storage in a muscle. You need to lift heavy weight in order to increase the size of your muscle.

If the unlikely chance of too much muscle being built, all you would need to do is drop the weight, and take in less calories.


Resistance training is essential to a balanced and effective training program. You need to lift heavy in order to build muscle.

You cannot change your genetics to the degree to look like a man if you are a women unless you are "trying" to do so by working out at least 2-3 hours a day and lifting 20-30 sets per body part. I'm guessing you don't do that? I didn't think so... so flush that fear down the toilet.

–Flavia Del Monte
R.N., C.P.T., PN Certified

Check out Flavia's pictures at her site below and you can see for yourself the type of body that she has gotten by lifting HEAVY weights:


Make sure to try out her program today as the launch week price is doubling at the end of the week.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

PS - if you liked todays article, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

*Please note that due to high volume of emails, replies to this email can not be handled individually and are routed to a help-desk.

Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States
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