
Friday, April 22, 2011

the TRUTH about carb-blockers, stimulants, appetite supps, etc

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If you're like me, you're sick and tired of all of the bogus "miracle pills" that come along all the time claiming to be the next thing that will allow you to get a perfect body without changing your lifestyle.

We all know by now that it takes a true dedication to quality nutrition from whole foods and a fitness lifestyle to get the body that you want.  However, as you know, I'm also big on trying to get whatever small advantage I can from certain natural substances such as cinnamon, teas, capsaicin, etc to assist my good nutrition and workout programs.

I just got done reading a great new report that blows the lid on some of the biggest scams surrounding supplements such as carb blockers, fat blockers, "metabolism-boosters", appetite suppressants, etc.  This report also shows what science is available to back up certain natural substances that we can take for that slight "edge" or boost...

You can grab that report at no cost below:

The TRUTH about "metabolism-boosters", appetite supps, stimulants, and more

Enjoy the report!

Some popular TruthAboutAbs articles that you might have missed:

7 tips to never get sick again

3 Random fitness tips about watermelons, onions, and glycemic index

My #1 most important nutrition lesson ever

PS - if you liked todays articles and report, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com


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