
Saturday, April 30, 2011

a 5-step unusual workout for 6-pack abs

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I have a guest article today from my good friend Dr. Kareem Samhouri, an expert doctor of physical therapy, and he shows you a really unusual way to train the abs.

This is a totally different style of training as you can see below in the 5 step method...check it out:

*The New Method For Six Pack Abs*

by Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri, CSCS, HFS
Neuro Metabolic Fat Loss Expert

Slow abs training is now over.

It's time for a new era.

Training for six pack abs takes strategy. Understanding how to properly utilize your abs as stability muscles in all exercises will quickly improve your six pack abs training results. However, in order to be able to utilize your abs to their full capacity, you have to first know how to recruit them. This is where most people get lost... at least until now.

I've developed a sure-fire method for 'turning your abs on' with each and every exercise you do, beginning after the first 5 minutes of your exercise program. There's no way around it, and you simply cannot fail. I'm more than excited to share this method with you - are you ready to see major change in a very short period of time?

I'm going to teach you exactly what to do if you want to 'activate' your abs in every exercise you do, throughout every workout. If you think about it, this is going to make ab rockers feel like dinosaurs, and crunches seem as silly as those electrical stimulation devices you see on TV. You will literally be working your abs out for every rep of every exercise you do, and your midsection will be begging for a break when you're all done.

Your six pack abs results are about to improve exponentially.

Step 1 - Fatigue out your extremities completely.
Step 2 - 100 reps glutes
Step 3 - Fatigue out your extremities completely.
Step 4 - 100 reps abs
Step 5 - Rest 4-5 minutes and repeat, involving more of your trunk musculature with each exercise of each circuit.

Let's take a look at each one of these steps in greater detail, with an explanation for each, and why this works so well.

Step 1 - Fatigue out your extremities completely.

Example Set:

1. Squat & Dumbbell Presses - Light weight, as follows: 10 reps slow, 10 reps medium, 10 reps fast - repeat until fatigue or form broken

2. Push Up Superset on Knees - 3 Push Up Positions, alternating to fatigue, as follows:

Diamond (close grip) Push Up, Standard (shoulder width) Push Up, Wide Grip/Mid Pec (hands as far apart as possible) Push Up

This goes against most modern teachings of 'proximal stability before distal mobility' and should be used with caution. The reason people usually teach you to work trunk muscles first is so that your little muscles (muscles in your arms and legs) won't give out and collapse on you when you're lifting a heavy weight. However, we're taking the neurological signal from our trunk, spreading it to our extremities, and then never bringing it back to our trunk.

In this step, what we're doing is depriving our arms and legs of oxygen, forcing blood out of our extremities, and producing lactic acid there quickly. Since our bodies will hold onto our blood and oxygen regardless, it's a strong bet that this oxygen is moving centrally, or towards our trunk. In a sense, we've now supersaturated our trunk muscles with blood, nutrients, and oxygen. We are primed for Step 2.

Step 2 - 100 reps Glutes

Example Glute Exercise:

Straight Leg Bridge On Ball

Lay on your back, placing your heels into the ball avoid stabilizing with your arms as much as possible. Emphasize squeezing your glutes to 'levitate your bottom off the ground' & go fast!

100 reps

Your glutes and lower abs are a pair. If you're like 99% of people out there, you have a difficult time recruiting your lower abs. By focusing on glute activation exercises second, once we have the oxygen present to endure more reps, we are actually targeting our lower abs, or "pre-activating" them for what's to come.

Step 3 - Fatigue out your extremities completely.

Example Set:

1. Side Step Squat With Med Ball Press - Start with your feet together, take a large step to the right, keeping your left foot on the ground, then squat and stand onto only your right leg while drawing your left knee towards your right shoulder. Simultaneously, press a medicine ball into the air. As you return the medicine ball towards your chest, shift your weight back into the wide squat position with your left leg on the ground and perform in reverse as you stand.

10 reps slow, 10 reps medium, 10 reps fast - repeat until fatigue or form broken

2. '3-Position' Bicep Curls With Dumbbells - 3 Curling Positions, alternating to fatigue, as follows:
Palms backward (Reverse Curls), Palms inward (Hammer Curls), Palms forward (Bicep Curls)

It's time to shift focus back to our arms and legs, but this time our abs are working to stabilize us, reduce risk of injury, and become a part of all exercises. We are now working our abs involuntarily, but driving more oxygen and blood to them at the same time through the aforementioned method above.

Step 4 - 100 reps abs

Ok, so it's time to test our ability, with no rest whatsoever, to really challenge our abs to hit the next level of strength and endurance. Because we have supersaturated them with oxygen, our aerobic abs fibers (about 80% of the abs fibers the average person has) are primed for the best performance of our lives. Now it's time to really challenge ourselves to do the impossible, and force ourselves to go above and beyond what we 'know' to be our limits. It's time for the new era for our abs.

Example Abs Superset:

Inversion Abs & Abs Wheel - Alternate each exercise to fatigue (perhaps 10 or so reps at a time), until you reach 100 total repetitions.

1. Inversion abs is to be done on a decline bench, with your feet towards the floor. Keeping your legs as straight as possible, while pulling through your abs, drive your legs into the air so that your spine is curved and you are slowly returning down towards the bench, one spinal segment at a time. As your low back approaches the bench, be sure to keep it as flat against the bench as possible to activate your transversus abdominus, or human waist belt.

2. Abs Wheel - similar to a push up position on knees, begin with abs wheel underneath the center of your chest. Now, maintaining tension between your shoulder-blades, slowly guide the abs wheel out in front of you, without dipping or bending your back. Maintain an abdominal tremble throughout. As you return the abs wheel to the starting position, be sure not to shift your weight posteriorly, as this will take away much of the effect.

100 reps, alternating between exercises each time you reach fatigue.

(That's just an example abs superset -- if you can't do those, you can choose your 2 favorite direct abs exercises from Truth About Abs or another routine)

Step 5 - Rest 4-5 minutes and repeat, involving more of your trunk musculature with each exercise of each circuit.

Adequate rest is necessary to derive as much from the following set. By involving more of our trunk muscles with each successive set, we are essentially teaching our bodies to always activate trunk muscles when using our extremities. This is a good habit to form to reduce risk of injury, and it also serves our greater purpose of teaching our bodies how to turn every exercise we do into an abs exercise at the same time.

Why spend your days exercising body part after body part, isolating one muscle group after the next?

Why spend so much time in the gym?

It's no longer necessary. It's time that you learn how to exercise as much of your body as possible, and to do it quickly.

I'm here to support you, if you're ready to take the next step. Join the thousands of people who already have - There are all kinds of shortcuts and tricks for getting a flat stomach, and I've take the time to explain each one right here for you:



Thanks so much to Kareem for a killer article! This is definitely a unique style of training that can help people to get to the next level with their abs.

Make sure to check out Kareem's site at http://www.DoubleEdgeFatLoss.com as he has an amazing program there for you!


I'll be back soon with the next Lean-Body Secrets Ezine.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

the #1 rule for ladies workouts

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I've got a new article today contributed by women's fitness expert Flavia Delmonte, and I really like the message in this one. If you missed the announcement yesterday, Flavia has a great new program called Full-Body Licious - http://tinyurl.com/flavias-fitness

The Truth about Females and Weight Training

by Flavia Del Monte
R.N., C.P.T., PN Certified

Expressing fear of building muscle and looking like a man by merely lifting some weights is like me saying "I don't want to play golf because I'm afraid I'll turn pro..."

Nothing just happens – including building muscle! If your body was destined to look like a man, than you would probably already know it! Genetics don't change over night...

Unless you have a river of testosterone flowing in your blood, the fear of getting big is unfounded! Competitive female bodybuilders train at least three hours a day and perform 20-30 sets PER body part with their women fitness programs in hopes of getting a fraction of the size of their male counterparts.

GETTING BIG IS NO EASY TASK FOR A FEMALE... and if it were than you would see Jane swinging from the vines and swimming with the alligators, not Tarzan!

Simply put, this myth has no scientific backbone. It is very hard for most men to build muscle; let alone women. I hear of men who are eating thousands of calories and lifting heavy weight but don't put a pound of lean muscle mass on their bodies. Yet, females are afraid that lifting anything more than 8-lb dumbbells will make them look like a man!

Little-Known FACT

Not only lifting weight, but lifting HEAVY weight will give you definition and that toned look that is desired from EVERY female all over the world.



First off, men have 10 to 30 times higher levels of testosterone than females.

Women do not have a large testosterone production in their body, making it impossible to build muscle at the same intensity as a male. A male is made up of a lot more muscle than women. 23% of a women's weight is muscle, compared to 40% of a male's weight.

Women simply do not have the genetics to build muscle and the women that have done so, have done so by genetically altering their bodies.

I can take a guess that most women want a TONED look. When your muscles look etched, it is because of a low percentage of fat around that muscle.

Toning and muscle building is one in the same!

There are 3 ways growth occurs in muscles:

* during resistance training (followed with precise nutrition)
* natural growth period (such as puberty)
* during pregnancy

In order to build lean mass, you must have an excess of calories:

*energy in is greater than energy out*

That said, in order build muscle, you MUST tailor your diet for muscle building. And that applies to women who want to "TONE". You have to first BUILD the muscle in order to have a toned look.

Increase in CALORIES + lifting heavy = muscle mass

There are three different body types:

* ectomorph (naturally thin)
* mesomorph (naturally muscular)
* endomorph (naturally broad and thick)

All three different body types need to eat and train a certain way in order to build muscle and lose fat.

The issue here is that there is only so much storage in a muscle. You need to lift heavy weight in order to increase the size of your muscle.

If the unlikely chance of too much muscle being built, all you would need to do is drop the weight, and take in less calories.


Resistance training is essential to a balanced and effective training program. You need to lift heavy in order to build muscle.

You cannot change your genetics to the degree to look like a man if you are a women unless you are "trying" to do so by working out at least 2-3 hours a day and lifting 20-30 sets per body part. I'm guessing you don't do that? I didn't think so... so flush that fear down the toilet.

–Flavia Del Monte
R.N., C.P.T., PN Certified

Check out Flavia's pictures at her site below and you can see for yourself the type of body that she has gotten by lifting HEAVY weights:


Make sure to try out her program today as the launch week price is doubling at the end of the week.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

female fitness (for tight stomach, booty, legs)

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Today's email is mostly for the ladies (or for guys who want to get their woman a great gift).

You know by now about my opinion that men and women should generally train similar for similar goals... I hate the misconception that many females have that they need to somehow train differently than men.  Humans are humans!

With that said, I wanted to announce a great new website that was just released by my buddy Vince Delmonte's wife, Flavia. 

The cool thing is that I think Flavia is a great example for many women, because she trains HARD... she trains with HEAVY weights... yet she certainly doesn't look "bulky" to me... you be the judge!  See her picture below:


Check out Flavia's Full-Body Licious Program here

Flavia's workout and nutrition system has been tested by 95 females and founded on science based principles from Flavia's Masters Level Exercise & Nutrition Certification.

Plus, Flavia actually created this program based on the exact workouts and nutrition tactics that she used to get ready for a photo shoot where she went from 18% body fat down to 13.4% body fat in only 10 weeks!  Crazy stuff, and congrats to Flavia for the results of her hard work as you can see.

Go on over and check out Flavia's site to see her F.O.R.C.E Principles for a Flawless figure.

I really think you'll like this program and I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't let you know about it.

In fact, my girlfriend went through all of the videos and manuals yesterday (as a publisher, I got a sneak peak at the program), and she LOVES them... she actually already did one of the workouts last night and was totally whooped afterwards.  She felt great!

Read this page and start getting a flatter stomach, tighter booty, and great legs!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

ps - If you missed this article the other day, it's a must read if you don't want to harm your body at the gym:

The WORST 7 Exercises to NEVER Do

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The 7 WORST exercises to NEVER do

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I just put a brand new article on the site that is a MUST-READ if you workout with typical gym exercises.  We all know some of my favorite exercises that rock your metabolism like squats, deadlifts, lunges, presses, etc...

However, today's article shows 7 common exercises that MOST people do at the gym that are horrendous for your body.  Most of these have almost no benefit, and simultaneously can trigger injuries or joint problems over time.

Read every word of this article to see these 7 common exercises that you should NEVER do!  This is VERY important if you want to get the best results without harming your body.

The 7 Worst Exercises to NEVER do (great article)

Please fwd this email to your friends that workout too so that we can protect them from injuring themselves at the gym.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

Popular TAA articles:

3 easy exercises for back pain relief

2 Exercise tricks to increase T hormone and GH

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Friday, April 22, 2011

the TRUTH about carb-blockers, stimulants, appetite supps, etc

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If you're like me, you're sick and tired of all of the bogus "miracle pills" that come along all the time claiming to be the next thing that will allow you to get a perfect body without changing your lifestyle.

We all know by now that it takes a true dedication to quality nutrition from whole foods and a fitness lifestyle to get the body that you want.  However, as you know, I'm also big on trying to get whatever small advantage I can from certain natural substances such as cinnamon, teas, capsaicin, etc to assist my good nutrition and workout programs.

I just got done reading a great new report that blows the lid on some of the biggest scams surrounding supplements such as carb blockers, fat blockers, "metabolism-boosters", appetite suppressants, etc.  This report also shows what science is available to back up certain natural substances that we can take for that slight "edge" or boost...

You can grab that report at no cost below:

The TRUTH about "metabolism-boosters", appetite supps, stimulants, and more

Enjoy the report!

Some popular TruthAboutAbs articles that you might have missed:

7 tips to never get sick again

3 Random fitness tips about watermelons, onions, and glycemic index

My #1 most important nutrition lesson ever

PS - if you liked todays articles and report, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com


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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The top 3 foods to AVOID at restaurants (article)

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It's no secret that it's hard to stay lean if you're dining out frequently... but today's article shows you how to easily avoid the 3 foods at restaurants that do the MOST damage to your body.  Avoid these and you can easily stay lean while still enjoying restaurant meals.

The top 3 foods to AVOID at restaurants

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Monday, April 18, 2011

how to lose lower abdomen fat and build muscle

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If you want to build muscle AND lose that fat on the lower abdomen, I wanted to show you this video by my friend Kyle.  I met Kyle a few months ago at a fitness pro meeting in Florida, and he's quickly becoming one of the up and coming experts in the world of muscle building and fat loss.

Check out Kyle's video:

How to build muscle AND lose lower abdomen fat


Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

Popular TAA Muscle Building articles:

3 unusual tips for building bigger arms

2 exercise "tricks" to increase muscle building hormones

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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

a problem found with some fruits and veggies

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Most people think that "fruits and veggies" in general are all healthy.  This is true to some extent. 

However, we're not quite eating the fruits and veggies that nature intended us to eat... if that sounds strange to you, let me explain...

You see, the fruits and vegetables that we have at our grocery stores currently have been bred over the years to maximize sugar content, size, and appearance.  Therefore, the nutritional content of these fruits and veggies has diminished over the years as produce has been bred for sweetness or size instead of nutrition.

This means that although our fruits and veggies may still have relatively good micro-nutrient and antioxidant content (compared to processed foods), today's modern agricultural fruits and veggies are a far cry from what we would have eaten in the wild tens of thousands of years ago.  Those wild fruits and veggies were far more nutrient dense than what we're eating these days.

You can see this trend with any "wild" version of a fruit vs an agriculturally grown version.  Just take agricultural blueberries vs wild blueberries as an example... not only do wild blueberries have more fiber and less sugar, but some ORAC (antioxidant measurement) reporting shows wild blueberries to have almost double the antioxidant levels of some cultivated blueberries.

As you can see, this means that even if we eat lots of fruits and veggies in today's age, we still may be getting significantly less antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals compared to what we were meant to get in nature eating more "wild" varieties of fruits and veggies.

That's one of the main reasons I also started recently supplementing with a superfoods drink like Athletic Greens each day... this is one of my favorites because it has WAY more than just a few random greens powders...it also contains components from high ORAC berries, mushrooms, and dozens of other superfoods (a total of 76 superfood ingredients I believe), all mixed into a pretty tasty drink.  This is by far the best tasting greens drink I've ever had...it has a nice lightly sweetened taste, but uses natural stevia as the sweetener.

I actually personally know the owner of the Athletic Greens company (actually just had breakfast with him this morning on a trip I'm on in California), and I can tell you that he is very passionate about the quality of this product...they didn't cut any corners on sourcing the highest quality ingredients for producing Athletic Greens.

Back to choosing healthier fruits and veggies... as I mentioned, "wild" varieties are best, but apparently "heirloom" varieties may be higher in nutrients too and have had less breeding for sweetness and appearance than typical supermarket varieties. 

In addition, choosing organic versions is generally a step in the right direction and also obtaining your produce as much as possible from a local organic farmer, your own garden, or local produce stands or farmers markets can help to obtain produce with higher nutrient levels than typical supermarket produce.

One more thing I do to try to increase the amount of antioxidants I get daily to account for our slightly lower quality fruits and veggies in today's age is to use high antioxidant spices as much as I can such as turmeric, cinnamon, basil, oregano, etc.  I also like to take a quality antioxidant supplement like Prograde Longevity for a little extra nutrition "insurance".

Please pass this email on to your friends and family to help them eat healthier.

If you still haven't seen my friend Isabel De Los Rios' website, I highly recommend checking out her nutrition video:  4 foods to NEVER eat (if you want to be lean)

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com


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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

5 powerful fat-fighting spices

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As you may have seen in many of my articles in the past, I'm big on the power of natural spices that either have fat-fighting effects, metabolism-boosting effects, or blood sugar controlling effects in the body.

So I just saw this mini-article from my colleague and friend Jon Benson, author of the Every Other Day Diet, and wanted to share it with you.

At the end of this article below, I actually have 2 other super powerful spices to share with you that can have some major benefits to your body.

5 Powerful Fat-Fighting Spices
by Jon Benson

Parsley:  Improves digestion so you can use
the foods you eat. The more food you "use"
the less you store as bodyfat.

Basil:  Known to us pros as the "secret"
appetite-suppressing herb. Yep... it makes
you feel more full. Fantastic for killing those
late-night carbohydrate cravings.

Oregano:  Reduces bloating! I love that.
When you are cutting body fat, you often get
tricked into believing belly bloat is belly
"fat"... but it's not. It's water pulled in from
cells during fat loss processes. Oregano
helps reduce it.

Rosemary:  Helps keep you calm and lowers
the bellyfat-storing hormone "cortisol". It's
nature's best cortisol-lowering spice.

Black Pepper:  Known fatburner, and it just
tastes really good. Plus a really powerful anti-

-Jon Benson, author - The Every Other Day Diet

Thanks Jon!  I fully agree... and here are 2 more spices that are extremely powerful in improving your body and health:

A powerful spice that controls your blood sugar and insulin

The most potent super-spice that might not be in your cabinets

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com


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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Friday, April 8, 2011

13 ideas for fat-burning snacks

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One last reminder.... today is the last day to take advantage of the special deal on the brand-new Metabolic Cooking system, with over 250 metabolicious recipes to try out!

I've been browsing through these recipes this week and they look delicious! 

And now... today's article:

13 Ideas for Fat-Burning Snacks 


Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com


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Irollie Marketing LLC
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

My lean-body Cheese-Steak recipe (delicious)

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Before I show you my updated 2011 lean-body cheese-steak recipe, just a reminder... make sure to grab yourself a copy of this brand new resource that one of my fitness friends just released this week:

The Metabolic Cookbook  (250+ metabolism-boosting recipes)

healthy cheese steakAnd here's one of my own delicious lean-body recipes... I show you exactly how I make the healthiest cheese-steak possible.  In fact, my cheese-steak recipe actually has components that are proven to stimulate building lean muscle and losing body fat.  Check it out:

 Geary's Lean-Body Cheese-Steak recipe (delicious and healthy)

Lastly, if you've been confused about MSG in foods, here is an article I just read that may help you out.  I like how the end of the article puts everything in a big picture perspective despite conflicting studies and data:

What you need to know about MSG in your food

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com


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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A powerful secret for your perfect body and more

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Hi there, it's Mike Geary from http://TruthAboutAbs.com & http://BusyManFitness.com

I talked about this powerful secret to achieving almost anything you desire in life a few months back, but just today, my friend Tom Venuto sent an email and did an amazing job explaining the exact methods on how to use this secret to successfully attain your goals... whether these goals pertain to your dream body or anything else for that matter.

Tom's incredible article is below. For those of you that don't know of Tom yet, he's the author of the most popular fat loss ebook in the history of the internet (according to Clickbank. com) - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.

Check out Tom's site at http://LoseFatAndBuildMuscle.com/

Metaphysics & Brain science merge and prove that
positive thinking and goal setting literally
create your body and your entire life experience

On a recent special edition of CNN's Larry King Live, Mr. King interviewed a panel of "mind experts" about how the thoughts you think literally turn into the events you experience, the material things you possess... AND even the health of your body.

For years, "positive thinking" and goal-setting were often criticized as "pollyanna" and "the law of attraction" was relegated into the category of "new age" fluff

On the recent show, panel experts Bob Proctor, John Assaraf and others who were featured in the movie 'The Secret' explained that recent breakthroughs in neuroscience along with understanding mental laws, reveals why goal setting, the "law of attraction" and "positive thinking" all work, regardless of whether you look at them from a metaphysical or a scientific perspective.

Scientists have even identified specific parts of the brain, such as the reticular activating system (RAS), which works with the visual parts of our brain to call our conscious attention to things that are important to reaching our goals and to filter out those things that are unimportant.

The RAS is activated by "programming" goals into our sub-conscious minds. Our sub concscious mind is the "power center" and THIS is the mechanism that explains why goal setting and positive thinking are now being accepted as scientific methods for change.

We are discovering that our brain is cybernetic in nature, which means that it is literally like a computer, waiting for a program to be installed.

Here's the kicker - the subconcsious is completely neutral and impartial - it will carry out any instructions you give it.

Unfortunately, many of us are still running negative programs we picked up from others as children when our non-conscious minds were totally open and impressionable, or which we developed over the years as a result of repetition of our own negative thinking.

As it turns out, our own thoughts, repeated daily, are one of the primary ways that our "mental computer" is programmed on a sub-conscious level, which is the level of beliefs, habits and automatic behavior.

To change your results, you must overwrite old negative programming and install positive new programming into your subconscious.

This can be achived through such techniques as written goal setting, positive self-talk (affirmations), and mental imagery (visualization).

In the 1970's, the Soviets and East Germans were the first to formally use structured mental rehearsal, and at that time, they dominated in several olympic sports. Today, virtually all elite athletes use visualization extensively, as we now know that the brain cannot differentiate between real practice and practice that is vividly imagined.

If you are getting more of the same negative results in your life - such as the same health problems, or the same body fat continues to return even after you lose it, then you have probably been un-consciously running old negative programs and re-inforcing them with negative thought patterns.

You can begin the positive mental reprogramming process by writing down your goals, changing your internal dialogue and taking a few minutes to relax, quiet your mind and perform a session of visualization or mental rehearsal every day (seeing yourself in your "mind's eye" not as you currently are, but as you ideally would like to be).

These methods, repeated often enough, will begin to program the non-conscious portion of the mind, which is the same part of the mind that controls your heart beat, digestion and new cell production, all on "automatic pilot."

In the last decade, neuroscientists discovered that you have the capacity to create an almost infinite number of new neural connections in your brain when you run new thought patterns.

The Old neural pathways are like grooves in a record, and if you are struggling with your health related behaviors or behaviors in any other area of your life, you have been playing the "old records" over and over again.

If you were to carve a new groove into that record, it would never play the same way again. the old pattern would weaken and the new one would take over. Brand new, positive thoughts, feelings and images begin to create new
neural patterns.

Psychologists estimate that it takes 21 to 30 days to establish a new pattern in your brain. During this time, the focus on sticking with your practice and repeating your new thought patterns is critical.

Is this easy? For most people, no it's not. In fact, controlling your thinking and keeping it constructive may be one of the most difficult challenges you have ever faced. Fortunately, writing goals and reading affirmations can help get you started.

You can take some of the pressure off yourself by simply accepting that negative thoughts and self criticisms will pop up from time to time. Just observe them, without mulling over them or adding to them, and change the polarity of the thought by quickly repeating one of your positive affirmations or by changing your mental pictures.

So is there something to this whole "positive thinking" thing?

The philosophers and theologians have been saying yes for the entire span of recorded history: "As you think, so shall you be." Variations on this proverb can be found in every spiritual and philosophical tradition.

But... if you are the left-brained, "prove-it-to-me" type, you dont have to go on faith anymore. Scientists are beginning to prove more and more convincingly that thoughts are powerful things. Even Larry King seemed impressed with what his panel of "mind mentors" had to say. In fact, I just found out that larry will be airing part two of this "Power of positive thinking" show next week.

So how soon are you going to begin your mental training right alongside your physical training? When are you going to learn how to harness this power locked up inside your mind?

Guess what? You're already using this force every day because you cannot turn it off. Whatever you are thinking and picturing in your mind repeatedly on a daily basis is on it's way to you already, so it's simply a matter of HOW you are using it, not IF you are using it.

What do you say to yourself every day? Do you say, "I am becoming leaner, healthier and more muscular every day?"... or do you say "I am a fat person - Ive tried everything, nothing ever works?"

The fact is - you can think yourself thin and healthy or you can think yourself obese and ill. Maybe not in the literal sense...but most certainly as the critical part in the chain of causation...

You see, there's a lot of talk these days in the personal improvement world about law of attraction, manifesting, intention, visualization and of course, positive thinking

Without understanding that there is an orderly, scientific basis underneath all of this, many people will simply remain skeptics, while on the opposite extreme, others may get the idea that you can sit around meditating and visualizing, then expect a mystical "law of attraction" to kick in and then "poof!" a great body materializes out of thin air... along with the perfect relationship, a nice bank account and career success.

What really happens is "Positive thinking" and related methods quite literally re-program your brain, which in turn creates new behaviors that move you physically toward whatever you have been thinking about and focusing on.

So success is achieved through positive thinking + positive doing... attraction + action. There are two sides to the coin. Without paying attention to both, you may continue to struggle... often against nothing but yourself.

If you want to transform your body or any other aspect of your life, then you have to change on the inside (the mind) first and then everything else will follow.

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Author, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle

PS This process of *scientific* goal setting and mental reconditioning through emotionally charged mental imagery (visualization) and internal mental dialogue (affirmations) is the very first thing I have always taught my clients and the first thing I wrote about in my book, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle You can learn all of these techniques in detail in chapter 1. Learn more about the psychology of body transormation inside the Burn The Fat ebook:


Thank you Tom for your insights and sharing this enlightening article. I couldn't have said it all better myself. I think the most important point to take from all of this is that no matter what your goals, dreams, and aspirations are in life, everything starts first with your mindset. Nothing is achieved without first attaining the proper mindset for success.

If you enjoyed this motivational subject today, please feel free to forward this email to any of your friends, family, or coworkers who would enjoy it.

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Hope you're having a great day!

Mike Geary
Fitness/Lifestyle Coach
Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Founder - http://TruthAboutAbs.com & http://BusyManFitness.com

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

metabolism-boosting ingredients?

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I love exploring new ways to make delicious meals that still support your efforts to get a lean body...  As you know, I absolutely HATE bland and boring meal plans.

Although it's popular in bodybuilding circles to eat boring meals, you'll never find me eating dry chicken breast, steamed broccoli (with nothing on it), and plain oatmeal with nothing in it.

I just found a new resource that I think you'll love with over 260 Metabolism-Boosting Recipes...

We're talking delicous eats such as:

* Metabolic Pancakes
* Metabolicious Krazy Kiwi Smootie
* Asian turkey burgers
* Choco-Peanut butter oat muffins
* Hot Paprika shrimp
* and over 250 other delicious fat-torching recipes

These new Metabolic recipes include:

-Side dishes
-Red Meat
-Chicken & Poultry
-Fish & Seafood
-and even Vegetarian

Make sure to grab a copy of this new Metabolic Cooking series now and start enjoying eating delicious foods for a lean body!

Bon appetit!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Monday, April 4, 2011

how REAL butter can make you leaner

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If you've read my book or my newsletters for some time, you know I'm a big fan of REAL butter... and NOT margarine.  

In fact, I would NEVER, EVER even think about touching margarine with a ten foot pole... and even these new fancy so-called "cholesterol lowering" margarines still contain some trans fats and inflammatory refined oils.  I would NEVER touch those either.

I can't tell you how many times I've been at certain restaurants and been horrified to find that they don't even have real butter.... instead, they have nothing but artery-clogging trans fat laden margarine!  Yuck. No thanks.

I've also been shocked to find that some people (a LOT of people) are still confused about the whole butter and margarine thing.  In case you're still confused, let's clear this up now... the debate has actually been over for YEARS now, and I'll make it real simple:

Butter is healthy (if you choose the right type) ... Margarine is deadly!  Simple as that.

I know that's a bold claim to say that butter is healthy...but it's true, as long as you choose organic grass-fed (pastured) butter, and NOT butter that came from confinement feedlots (CAFOs) from cows fed corn.

In fact, butter is one of the best natural sources of the healthy fat conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that actually helps you to build muscle and lose fat.  Butter is also a good source of the healthy fats, MCTs, and also omega-3's in grass-fed butter too.

But it doesn't stop there... this article below shows not only how butter can help you get leaner, but is also one of the best sources of a few very unique vitamins that are hard to get elsewhere, can improve your cardiovascular function, and even lower diabetes risk.

How butter can make you leaner and improve your health

That article is a must read!  It's refreshing to see a health author that actually "gets it" when it comes to this stuff.  I'm sick of reading meal plans from bodybuilders and clueless nutritionists that say to avoid butter and make sure to have plain boring steamed vegetables instead.

No way!  I'll take my grass-fed butter on my vegetables and I'll love it.  And by the way, yes you CAN get single digit bodyfat lean and still use butter on your foods if you want.  I do it every day.

On related topics, here are a few articles of mine that I'd recommend reading:

How to choose healthy cooking oils (you may be surprised)

A land meat with more omega-3's than salmon?

Why Canola Oil is NOT healthy (don't be fooled)

Please fwd this email on to your friends and family to help them live healthier!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
TruthAboutAbs.com | BusyManFitness.com | AvalancheSkiTraining.com

PS -  have you seen my delicious healthy chocolate pudding recipe?

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fwd: exactly how Buck lost his "belly"

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I have a story to show you today on how my friend Buck finally lost his "belly"... I've actually known Buck for about 3 years now, and we've become good friends on several adventure trips together.

The problem is that Buck has a wife and a son, and a couple years ago, he realized he was letting them down by not taking care of his body and health.  But now, a couple years later, and with at least 50 lbs less blubber on his frame, Buck is sharing his story about how he did it... check it out:

How Buck finally lost his "belly"


Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - TruthAboutAbs.com & BusyManFitness.com

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Irollie Marketing LLC
1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City
89701 Nevada, United States

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Friday, April 1, 2011

How to Lose Fat Up To 9x Faster <--- Specific Method

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I've got a great gift for you today that I think you'll love...

How you pair your exercise and nutrition habits together
is the most CRITICAL factor in determining your ultimate fat
loss success.

Our awesome friend and mentor, Dr. Kareem,
has written a report that will make you feel like kicking
yourself when you're done - This fat loss method is so
simple, and it's so effective - plus, it won't cost you a dime:

Lose Fat Up To 9x Faster: http://www.GetLeanFaster.com

Inside of this report, Dr K actually teaches you how to
think about choosing the proper exercise strategy
for each day, depending upon your nutritional intake.
It's fascinating, and it's spot on!

Plus, you'll get 2 KILLER workouts (at no cost), all equipped
with exercise videos, and they're filmed by Dr. Kareem himself,
so you know the form is perfect and the exercises are easy to

A specific new method to get LEAN faster:


Enjoy the report, and if you enjoy it, go ahead and share this
email with your friends and family.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - TruthAboutAbs.com & BusyManFitness.com

New article - Benefits of Krill Oil on Fat Metabolism:


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