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If you saw yesterday's email, I introduced you to the cool new program by fitness model John Romaniello (aka Roman) which utilizes advanced techniques to get rid of that last bit of "stubborn" fat.
John gave me a great article with a unique workout method to share with you today, but first...
Remember that the 52%-off sale lasts until this Thursday, so grab your copy today:
Here is Roman's article:
"Chubby Hips, Thunder Thighs and Manboobs"
By John Romaniello - Fitness Expert recently featured on Good Morning America
I'm sure none of the above items sound like terms of endearment, or ways you'd like your body parts described; but if one of them applies to you, you KNOW it.
And if any of those DO apply to you, then you're likely dealing with regional fat storage issues. While we all store fat all over, it's often most noticeable in certain areas – we call these the "problem areas". And unfortunately, it's the problem areas that we often struggle most to rid of unwanted fat.
Now, if you're storing fat in one or all of the three areas mentioned in this article (your hips, thighs, or if you're a guy, your chest) despite your best efforts with diet and traditional training, then I'm here to tell you, you've got some hormone issues.
You see, ALL problem areas are influenced heavily by your hormonal environment, and where you store that last bit of fat is determined by which of your hormones are out of whack. In this particular case, it's the female hormone estrogen.
High levels of estrogen are awesome for enjoying Grey's Anatomy and makin' babies, but terrible for fat loss, which explains why women usually have more trouble losing fat than men.
However, anyone -- male or female -- with high estrogen levels will have trouble losing fat, especially from the lower body. In essence, the higher your estrogen levels, the greater the likelihood you'll store fat in your lower body; mainly in the hips and thighs.
And yes, it IS possible for men to have high estrogen levels.
Unfortunately, outside of having to deal with a declined rate of fat loss and lower body fat, these guys ALSO have to deal with the ignominy of "manboobs".
Rather than try to correct this through medication or steroids, it's possible to address the issue through training.
That is, it is possible to utilize training that will produce hormones which OFFSET estrogen.
And how else would you combat estrogen but with testosterone?
Being clear, you are going to increase testosterone levels naturally, through training. Not only will this increase the net fat-burning effect of all exercises, but more appropriate to our purposes here, it will also facilitate in getting rid of lower body fat.
I should mention something here to alleviate any concerns: it is NOT possible to produce a detrimental amount of testosterone through training. So ladies, you don't have to worry about any masculinizing effects.
Instead, training produces what we would term a 'high' amount of testosterone from a physiological perspective, relative to what your body normally produces. For the guys, this means that such training will help you put on a bit more muscle–-just not steroid type of muscle.
Got it?
At this point, I know you're thinking, "all right Roman, get to the point, what do I do?"
Great question. And one of the answers is a technique called DENSITY TRAINING.
Training in a way that seeks to increase training density is one of the best ways to spur your body to produce and release more testosterone, which will (obviously) help you lose that estrogen related fat storage.
Training density can be defined as the amount of work you do in a given amount of time during a training session. If you want to increase density, you can do more work (sets, reps, or both) in the same amount of time, or do the same amount of work and decrease the time in which you do it.
However, I've come up with a method of density training that is specific to RADICAL fat loss, and this means that not only will you produce the testosterone necessary to mitigate your regional fat issue, but you'll also lose more fat on the whole.
Pretty cool, eh?
As an example, let's pick 3 exercises: the overhead press, the dumbbell row, and the squat.
Setting these up in a circuit fashion, you perform them one after another with little rest in between.
Instead of having a set number of reps, we're going to be forming each of these exercises for TIME–you simply have to do as many as you can in a given time period.
To make it easy, let's say you did each of the above exercises for 30 seconds. In performing such a circuit, your results might look like this:
Overhead Press: 25 pound dumbbells for 20 reps
DB Row: 40 pound dumbbells for 18 reps
Squat: 100 pound barbell for 22 reps
Not too shabby. Now, HERE is where it gets crazy.
We're going to take advantage of some cool things that happen in the body; triggers that happen which will make you more efficient and more capable.
To do that, we're going to INCREASE the weight by 10-20% and try to do MORE reps.
Does that seem impossible? It isn't. Due to neuromuscular junction and neural activation, in almost ALL cases, you'll be able to do just that.
Your second attempt at that circuit might look like this:
Overhead Press: 30 pound dumbbells for 23 reps
DB Row: 50 pound dumbbells for 20 reps
Squat: 120 pound barbell for 25 reps
Density training is fun, challenge-based, burns a heck of a lot of fat, and –- most importantly –- is one of the best training modalities around for increasing testosterone production and release.
If you want to fight your estrogen issues, you NEED more testosterone (and yes, for BOTH men and women). And for that you need density training. Utilizing this method, you're one step closer to fighting off your stubborn hip, thigh, and god forbid, "manboob" fat for good.
That's just a small taste of some of the techniques that John uses in his programs to help you to get rid of that final "stubborn" body fat.
John actually utilizes 2 other specific types of training techniques and combinations in his new FPFL 2.0 program that help to "repair" hormonal issues in your body.
When you try out his program now, you can still get the 52% discount, which ends Thursday...
Go here to start:
Til next newsletter,
Don't be lazy... be lean.
Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &
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